

Anne Ravanona is Founder & CEO of Global Invest Her who curate, convene and catalyse to get 1 Million Women Entrepreneurs Funded by 2030. She also founded InvestHer Summit, the global action summit for women founders, investors, policyshapers and corporates who want to collaborate together to reach the 1M goal and more. Anne is Outgoing Head of the EU Delegation to the W20 (official engagement group on policy recommendations to the G20), an international thought leader and speaker on women’s entrepreneurship and financial inclusion including at TEDx, United Nations and the European Parliament and advises Fortune 500 companies on Diversity & Inclusion. She is Past-President of the Jury for the Prix Simone Veil de la République Française by invitation of President Macron of France. Top 100: Europe’s most influential women in the startup and venture capital space and Top 100 Influencers in Gender Equality and Diversity.

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