

Priyanka Gangishetty is a Senior Azure Customer at Microsoft. She has a long career in the Tech Industry working for several Industries & Organizations in different Countries in various capacities. Right now she is in a Leadership Role at Microsoft delivering World Class Customer Experience to Azure Customers.

Along with being passionate about Technology, Priyanka is a strong advocate for Women in Technology. Coming from a small town in rural India, she has walked a long and hard path to make a name for herself in the Tech World. She leads several initiatives and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) inside and outside of Microsoft. She is a UK STEM Ambassador, member of the All-Party Parliamentary Groups for D&I in STEM fields in UK and a voice for under represented communities in Tech and Beyond. In her own words “A career in Technology changed my life in ways I never imagined. It afforded me the financial independence and Global agility that enabled me to live my best life. I want more women to be able to say that. This is what motivates me to be a voice for Women in Tech.

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